Hermiston Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Trusting a nursing home to provide adequate and compassionate care to a loved one seems a small thing to ask, but many facilities fail to meet this standard. Nursing home neglect and abuse are rampant in the industry, and discovering and stopping it can be a challenge.

If you suspect a loved one is not getting appropriate care they need, or if they died while in long-term care, a Hermiston nursing home abuse lawyer could help you file a lawsuit. An injury attorney could fight to hold the negligent parties responsible and pursue damages for all losses from the abuse.

Watching for Signs of Mistreatment

The advanced age and frail health of many nursing home residents can make it difficult to tell whether a decline is natural or the result of poor care. Loved ones must be vigilant about checking in frequently and seeking explanations for any concerning events or changes they notice.

Common signs of neglect or negligence include the following:

  • Unexplained slips or falls
  • Wandering off the premises without supervision
  • Poor grooming
  • Bedsores
  • Bruises, cuts, or broken bones
  • Fearfulness, agitation, or withdrawal
  • Genital injuries
  • Urinary tract infections

Anyone who notices such signs should immediately bring their concerns to the nursing home administrator and make a report to the state agency that licenses long-term care facilities. An attorney could also help a Hermiston family member craft a complaint that provides the agency with sufficient detail to help them conduct a thorough investigation of the nursing home abuse or neglect.

Taking Legal Action After Abuse or Neglect

Individuals should seek assistance from the court system if a vulnerable person has been subject to abuse or neglect in a nursing home. Oregon Revised Statute §124.010 allows a patient or their guardian to file a petition for relief within 180 days of an incident of abuse.

Patients or their guardians also have the option to file a negligence suit seeking damages from the nursing home. Lawyers who represent the Hermiston claimant must prove that the nursing home failed to meet the standard of care, abusing or injuring the patient as a result. Because the health of a nursing home patient is already compromised, proving a connection between the negligence or abuse and the patient’s suffering often requires expert medical testimony.

Available Damages in Nursing Home Abuse Cases

Damages in a successful nursing home abuse case include medical expenses related to the condition that resulted from the facility’s poor care. If the condition requires ongoing treatment, damages could cover those costs, as well. In addition, the patient might receive damages for their physical pain, emotional suffering, embarrassment, humiliation, and other impacts of the abuse or neglect with the help of a local lawyer.

Work With a Hermiston Nursing Home Abuse Attorney to Combat Care Facility Harm

Discovering your loved one has been the victim of nursing home abuse or neglect can be devastating. However, taking effective action against the people who harmed your loved one can help your family member avoid further mistreatment, improve conditions for other facility residents, and provide you with the satisfaction of knowing you fought back against people who take advantage of the vulnerable.

A Hermiston nursing home abuse lawyer knows how the system works and how to get results that can protect your loved one. Speak with a compassionate legal professional immediately if you suspect a nursing home is not providing proper care.